Hans Christian Anderson is still as relevant today;
the Emperor’s clothes are still invisible-non existent.
How many times do we have to hear the clap trap of those in power;
levelling up society, as they distribute the country’s wealth to cronies?
Five thousand pounds Stirling-that’s the worth of an MP’s child,
but oh no, we can’t afford twenty pounds for struggling families;
after all, we have food banks for that. Driving through Glasgow,
visible to all, is the sight of desperate people queueing to receive charity.
What’s next? Reopening work houses-make them earn the scraps
they are thrown, after all, they are not deserving of such charity.
With this I agree-they deserve much more-dignity and respect-not
the contempt that comes from people who should know better.
Why stop at the workhouse? The poor don’t need a five day week;
then I remember-they work most days in low paid jobs,
hoping that this week they have enough to get by.
It seems to be the norm-I ask myself ,why?
How will this all end? Let the Brothers Grimm have their say;
will the fathers (and mothers) of this nation free up the elderly and the poor,
from the stomach of this pack of big bad wolves-one swing of the media’s hatchet,
revealing truths instead of dancing to the government’s tune?
As Solomon says, ‘Nothing is new under the sun; what has been will be again.’
This season of Tory entitlement will end, but the poisoned root will remain;
waiting in the wings, alongside the spirit of the antichrist, for the right time
to re-emerge and destroy all that is good. The love of money is above all things vile.