She was my first, coming all the way from Russia;
she sat in the car lot, hoping I would buy her.
The big adventure, learning how to drive;
inviting friends for dinner, hoping they would oblige.
Three point turns, reversing and parking -
and then, the test first thing in the morning.
Adjust the seat and mirrors, seat belt on;
the tension was palpable and I hoped I was able.
The hour quickly passed-not a word I uttered,
until the highway code questions, and then I stuttered.
I waited-impatiently, on the final outcome;
he smiled and handed me the completed form.
Ma and pa were there when I got home;
seeing my smile, they laughed and hugged me.
'Can I give you a lift home, now I’ve passed?’
The red car did her stuff, as I drove alone, at last.