The boy sits down, holding the football.
No one to play with, as they're all at school.
Two week suspension for being a bully
and telling the teacher that he's just a pussy
What is going on in this lad's mind?
Why be so hard, when he could be kind?
Has he never felt kindness or a hug from mum?
Or was it a beating when she ran from home?
Leaving him to take the flack from a cruel dad
who neglected the children and his loving wife
and battered her senseless within an inch of her life.
Patriarchy keeps women 'in their place'
by a scowl, a nudge or a slap in the face.
But lets not forget that woman too can be violent
in reaction to years of being silent.
She snaps, retaliates when the monster's asleep.
He's dead, and she begins to weep
for the loss of her man, the father of her children
Sympathy? No they send her to prison.