Apartment and flights booked-we’re all set; or so we thought.
Because of Brexit-the wee yin needs a visa-she’s no got it!
That other culprit, Covid, has left visa applications behind
and the wee yin has almost lost her mind.
So here we are, in Nice-the three of us-minus the wee yin;
she’s left behind in Glasgow, probably greeting.
The sole purpose-to help her settle in, is a non starter;
once she has the visa, she’ll get here later.
So what can we do meantime? Enjoy the sun,
and learn to take it as it comes.
It’s not easy being on the cote d’Azur; enjoying
the view, drinking cold beer by the sea isn’t
all it’s cracked up to be. The freshly baked baguette;
still warm and covered in jam helps to soothe the pain.
Wherefore art thou, when will you arrive, oh little one?
We wait patiently for you to join in the fun.