She sits there; haughty as hell, hating humankind.
Or is it just me that irritates her? I wonder why
she insists on being rude, making the rules as she sees fit.
To call me disgusting, is despicable, defamatory and derogatory.
What shall I do? Do I act as if it’s okay to
describe me as an object of disgust?
To reduce me to a state of anxiety and distress?
Is this all part of a day’s work? I think not.
Routes to resolving another’s anger is beyond me; a power
greater than myself must address this abysmal behaviour,
and tackle this problem, which is fast becoming a
stumbling block for any person who resists her ‘charm’.
Heart beating loudly, and chest tight-tears
abounding instead of anger; feeling so foolish-
remembering the playground bullies, realising that
this won’t disappear, unless faced head on.