Breaking the habits of a lifetime
Listening to Justin, as he croons
away his worries and concerns,
I wonder where the time has gone,
and why I feel so forlorn
The malady meets me as I wake;
opening my eyes, remembering every mistake
that I’ve made, and wonder if
I can put them to sleep and start to live
free from guilt and condemnation
and please myself, without explanation
People pleasing seems the easy option,
but really, it’s just putting myself up for auction
and allowing others to please themselves at my expense
I need to make this habit the past tense
I will please myself in so much as it does no harm
I will let others see me as I really am
I have my limits and boundaries;
I will respect them unconditionally
By doing this, others will see them,
and realise I’m as important as them
I have twenty four hours each day,
to live and use in the most appropriate way
A way that allows me to attend to me,
kith and kin, and not any wannabe
I choose life, not existence;
I can say no to insistence
from another to go here or there
to bow to their will. I will dare
to quietly please myself,
instead of pleasing someone else
So what is the point of this little ditty?
I don’t want anyone to feel pity
for my tortured soul, as I ramble on;
as Garbo said, I want to be left alone
People come and go in the course of life
and I thank God for this who stayed around
endured the trouble and strife,
to enjoy with me the life I’ve found
Life is for living, and giving to others love and sustenance;
a helping hand, but not at the expense
of my own needs and desires
Remember to attend to my own fire
before I hand the kindling to another;
I am a friend, not their mother