Get out of bed you lazy bitch
Tutorial time, you'd better be quick
Eat your breakfast with the mike on mute
Or they'll think you're just a primitive brute
As you sip and slurp, eat your well done toast
There's one or two people who are talking the most
They're the confident ones, who like to speak
Just listening to their comments makes me feel weak
They're better than me at speaking up
Giving answers to teacher while I drink from my cup
This online teaching is driving me crazy
I like to see faces and maybe we
could meet after class for a cup of tea
I'm a boomer my youngest always says
but I tell her I'm just set in my ways.
She sets up my lap top, tv and phone
Don't know how I'll cope when she leaves home
I'll just need to schedule my visits to her
When I get a new phone, to make sure that it works