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Mary the cat

I think I’ll lie down, stretch out; it’s always nice on the big high couch. In the sun spot, I can feel the warmth until she comes in...

Mary the hare

Busy, busy, busy; always in a hurry. No time to worry or wait We must be there for half past eight Alert, aloof, but always right; until...

Mary the hedgehog

Mary the hedgehog- a peculiar creature; shy and worried every time you meet her. Prickly at times, sometimes hitting the bigger girls if...

Mary the fox

Slight build, with a touch of red in her hair, she dodges the bullies at school. Life’s easier that way; but is it? Worrying who’s around...

Thinking at Midnight

February 2021, and it's zero degrees outside; I wonder where the foxes and hedgehogs hide at such a time as this, when no one is about to...


Silent, standing in the corner of my sitting room, she looks away, feeling neglected and abandoned; as if to say, ‘Please let me stay. I...


The snow, white and light falls gently on the street; thinking that it just might escape the weight of a stranger’s feet. It won’t stay...

Haiku Poems

A fox in the lane Sniffing out the scent of food Her pups behind her A cold winter’s day Snowdrops beginning to show their beauty to all

The age of nonsense

When I knew her, she was the age of nonsense and she knew how to move. Jazz funk, soul or reggae, didn’t matter and to top it off, she...

Moving On

Getting old kind of creeps up on you. Today I saw my old boss passing by my window, helped by her husband. She looked so frail, this...

The darkest hour

It’s very early, I’m awake before the early bird. The worm is still safe until the birds are heard. Do I stay in bed, and risk...

The dog and the cat

The dog met the cat in the garden. The cat hissed, and he wasn’t budging. The dog wagged his tail, and the cat stood still. They became...

St George's Cross

St George’s cross underground is where I heard the sound of the train that took me to see granny. She met me at the station in Govan, me...

Life and death

Life, death-different ends of the same spectrum in a box together. I think I’ll feel them through the small hole big enough for my hand...

Falling Asleep

We come, we go; that’s a fact ,that no matter how we try, we can’t deny the frailty of our existence in this life we live. We plan and...

The Get

Wake up. Get up. Get washed, then get dressed. Get fed. Get ready to get out and get going. Get in the car to get to work and get there...

A hairbrush

Oh hair brush, you’ve served me so well. Because of you, I have no tangles to tell of in my wavy locks that have, because of lockdown,...

We're in this together

Just when it seems to be working out, life can hit you hard, have you run about worrying, scheming, projecting, reflecting on things long...

Blog: Blog2
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